Josie Cherry

26 green tips for your organisation and members

Big changes needed to tackle a global issue Being environmentally friendly was once considered nice but not completely necessary. However, like other parts of life, actively reducing your environmental impact…

A lesson or training session plan can be complex and detailed or simple and straightforward – it’s really up to you. The important thing to remember is that planning a…

A topic that we see come up a lot in our Facebook Community Groups is monthly vs termly billing. Should you charge members every month, every term, or a different…

Can discounts attract new members? It’s a question that gets asked a lot at clubs and membership organisations. Should you offer a discount to encourage new people to join? There…

Have you heard about our LoveSwimming Podcast? Hosted by Community Ambassador Clive Marquis, each episode contains expert tips on how to manage and grow your Swim Club or Swim School….

38 tips to manage members Onboarding new members, managing retention rates, monitoring social media comments, writing email newsletters… Membership management involves a large number of tasks that can be hard…

When was the last time you reached out to another club or organisation? As a club owner, it’s easy – and understandable – to be protective of your business. But…

Is failing always a bad thing? We’ve all seen the endless reels of videos showing people doing various weird and wonderful things, which inevitably end up going wrong and making…

Summer of Sport 2022 The ‘summer of sport’ has officially kicked off and is in full swing. We’re lucky this year to have a fantastic lineup of sporting spectacles happening…