Association of Pet Dog Trainers, UK – Admin Down 90%

Unlike a dog, admin is most certainly not man’s best friend. In fact, in the working world, it is one of your worst nightmares
membership management software

The Association of Pet Dog Trainers

Unlike a dog, admin is most certainly not man’s best friend. In fact, in the working world, it is one of your worst nightmares. Not only is it boring and a chore, but it also takes up all your time leaving you with none to enjoy the things you are passionate about. Fortunately, here at LoveAdmin, we’re in the business of reducing admin and were able to help The Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT).

Founded in 1995 by a man named John Fisher, the APDT sought to educate people in the correct ways to train their dogs – with kindness and motivation. This was something they viewed as extremely important given the increasing use of harsh methods by owners to make their dogs obedient. Since 1995, because of APDT’s, and others’ tireless hard work, training methods have drastically improved making the lives of many dogs significantly better.

Since using LoveAdmin, our admin has reduced by 90%. We used to have two huge filing cabinets in the office filled with records of payments and member information, and we've now thrown those away

The Challenge

With just short of 600 members, however, APDT had their work cut out for them admin-wise. Talking to Stella Bradshaw, a representative for APDT, she said that before switching to LoveAdmin, admin was their “one biggest nightmare”.

“Before LoveAdmin, the membership was all taken in by filling out paper forms, storing forms in filing cabinets, collecting cheques, paying in cheques and chasing up people for payment – it was our one biggest nightmare in the whole office. It took up so much of our time… it was just unbelievable!” Stella went on to discuss how taking payment especially was one of their worst problems: “Although we only had one membership payment once a year (which would make you think it’d be easy), it took so long to collect it all, to then record it all manually, and to chase people up and then to eventually pay it into the bank – it took forever!” – it gives us the chills just thinking about it!


The Solution

With their admin having just as much of a bite as its bark, APDT soon sought the help of LoveAdmin. Due to our system being paperless by nature and with functionality that reconciles payments automatically, the choice was easy.
Not only does APDT benefit hugely from the fact you can store Members’ records and payment history online in our secure database (something that is also sensible in relation to the GDPR), but they also find the email tool very useful – something they used to pay for separately, per annum, with another company. With just under 600 Members, being able to send emails to anyone (or all) of them from within the system is invaluable – especially when it comes to payment reminders and the like.


The Results

Due to the versatility of the LoveAdmin software, APDT no longer need to dread their daily admin. Since joining, APDT has reduced their admin time by 90% and now collect payments roughly 80% quicker than before, radically improving their cash flow. Most importantly though, Stella said that it has freed up their time to focus on doing what they love best – educating people on how to train their dogs, and consequently, improve dog’s lives across the UK.

LoveAdmin is proud to be partnered with APDT and we wish them continued success and an admin free future. (Ps. Our office dog, Lola sends her love!)

“Before LoveAdmin, the membership was all taken in by filling out paper forms, storing in filing cabinets, collecting cheques, and chasing up people for payment – It took up so much of our time… it was just unbelievable!”
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