Delta Trampoline Club – Waiting lists are easy with LoveAdmin

Delta Trampoline Club - Gymnastics management software

Manage Waiting Lists and Reconcile Payments

Delta Trampoline Club was founded 48 years ago and, thanks to an army of dedicated volunteers, has trained members at various venues around Derby.

Head coach Darren Potts explains: “We have members from six up to 60 years of age, and offer coaching for gymnastics from a recreational level all the way up to national standard, and have had a few British Champions as well!”

The club’s mission is to create a friendly, fun and safe environment for the local community to learn trampoline gymnastics and hone skills.

Before LoveAdmin it was very time-consuming managing payments for training sessions, memberships, competition entries, club attire and other ad hoc events both social and sporting. Also, keeping on top of a growing waiting list was very difficult.

The Challenge

Like so many trampoline clubs, the team at Delta Trampoline Club were being overwhelmed by the manual handling of their admin. From chasing payments to renewing memberships, their time was being swallowed up by laborious tasks.

Darren says: “It was very time-consuming managing payments for training sessions, memberships, competition entries, club attire and other ad hoc events both social and sporting. Also, keeping on top of a growing waiting list was very difficult.”



The Solution

In order to spend more time on what Darren and his team do best, the club made the decision to revolutionise the way they managed their members and club admin. So, they turned to LoveAdmin.

LoveAdmin’s class management software helps automate tasks, freeing up their volunteers’ time so they can focus on what they enjoy and the tasks they’re most skilled at.

Payments can be automatically requested, or chased, while Delta Trampoline Club can sit back knowing that parents or members can easily join, and be invited to, a waiting list


The Results

Darren says: “Since we introduced LoveAdmin, it has made it so much easier requesting, collecting and reconciling payments, and managing our waiting list, which has saved a lot of time – circa two hours a month.

“The register functionality is easy and quick to use and provides us with an excellent record of attendance.”

Asked about his favourite aspect of the LoveAdmin software, Darren says: “The ability to simply manage payments, from regular session fees to ad hoc payments.”

If, like Darren and Delta Trampoline Club, you’d like to reduce admin and increase income, get your FREE demo today.

Since we introduced LoveAdmin, it has made it so much easier requesting, collecting and reconciling payments, and managing our waiting list, which has saved a lot of time – circa two hours a month.
Sports club and activity management software

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See how LoveAdmin transforms classes, courses, clubs and
membership organisations, enabling them to do what they do best.