Gemini Gymnastics Club – Admin Down 50%, Income Up £12,000

Gemini Gymnastics Club was originally founded as the MYCON Gymnastics Club (Methodist Youth Club of Nailsea) in 1988.
Gymnastics Club Software

Gemini Gymnastics Club

Gemini Gymnastics Club was originally founded as the MYCON Gymnastics Club (Methodist Youth Club of Nailsea) in 1988. During this time, they offered three pre-school sessions twice a week.

In 2007, Carolyn Devereux, the current co-owner took over the club with her sister, Sarah. Due to the fact they are twins, they decided to rename the MYCON Gymnastics Club to Gemini Gymnastics Club. During this time, they also relocated to a larger site as their popularity was increasing annually.

Fast forward to 2014 and the club managed to expand their premises even further thanks to the help of a £103,000 grant from Sport England. Once complete, Beth Tweddle, British triple world gymnastics champion, opened the premises.

With significantly larger premises and many classes being offered, Gemini Gymnastics Club soon saw a huge increase in popularity. Unfortunately, this meant more admin too.

To help combat this, they turned to LoveAdmin for help.

Gemini Gymnastics Club found their payment collection and information management had quickly become outdated and ineffective.

The Challenge

Gemini Gymnastics Club soon found their payment collection and information management had quickly become outdated and ineffective. The club was reliant on coaches to chase late fees, relay communications and deal with new applications. As the club continued to grow, it was apparent their current processes were inadequate, and they identified key areas for improvement.

Speaking to Carolyn Devereux, she said, “Pretty much everything we did was manual – a letter went out then parents paid their fees by cash or cheque. It was hugely manual, a lot of paperwork, and a lot of the time people would get missed meaning they never paid their fees. And when they did pay, we then had to spend hours at the bank!”

To compound these issues, members’ information became difficult to reconcile and keep up to date. And, by using insecure means, safeguarding their members’ information could be compromised. Following the implementation of the GDPR, this was important to remedy quickly.

In the face of these challenges, Gemini Gymnastics Club began looking for a solution that could support their admin needs more effectively, and importantly, drastically increase their payment collection.



The Solution

Key to Gemini Gymnastics Club’s choice was the need to increase payment collection rates, reduce administration time and improve safeguards.

LoveAdmin’s ‘real time’ payment reports helped Gemini Gymnastics Club keep track of every penny paid and owed and as payments came in, the system reconciled the payment automatically saving administrators lots of time.

When it came to keeping on top of debtors, they could quickly see who was yet to pay and send reminders direct from their payment reports without the need for Club Officials to do the chasing themselves.

LoveAdmin also provides members with their own online account where they can keep their information up-to-date first-hand. The process of the parent logging in and checking that their child’s information is up-to-date means club officials no longer need to do it themselves. It also drastically increases the likelihood of the information being accurate which aids GDPR compliance.

And, because fields on the registration form can be made mandatory for completion, vital information like medical conditions, declarations and emergency contact information are now collected in full, improving the safeguards for the members and Gemini Gymnastics Club itself.



The Result

Gemini Gymnastics Club has seen great results since switching to LoveAdmin’s gymnastics club management software.

Since adopting the software they have increased their payment collection by 10%, a total of £12,000, and collect payment 4x faster than ever before. If that wasn’t good enough, they have also reduced their time spent on admin by 50%, allowing them to spend more time doing the thing they love most – teaching gymnastics to enthusiastic children.

We think those results speak for themselves.

Since adopting the software they have increased their payment collection by 10%, a total of £12,000, and collect payment 4x faster than ever before.
Sports club and activity management software

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