Hot Chilli Triathlon Club – Admin Down 60%, Income Up £3,000

Based in Trowbridge, Hot Chilli Triathlon Club was originally founded by a small group of friends but has since grown.
sports club management software

Hot Chilli Triathlon Club

Based in Trowbridge, Hot Chilli Triathlon Club was originally founded by a small group of friends but has since grown into a fully established Club with over 80 Members of all ages regularly participating. To cater to their wide age range, the Club offers both Adult and Junior memberships meaning anyone can come along and give it a go. As a result, they offer the most extensive Triathlon training programme in the South West of England. As any Club Administrator can tell you though – with increased membership comes increased admin.
The Club needed a user-friendly, system to improve the efficiency of their Administration, provide the ability for multiple users to access Member and Club information and increase payment collection rates.

The Challenge

Prior to using LoveAdmin, Hot Chilli Triathlon was using a number of disconnected tools to manage their Members’ information and payment collection.

As a result, it became very time consuming to manage their Members’ information, handle new applications and process payments. Their payments were made in cash or by standing order which required manual reconciliation and frequent trips to the bank by Club Officials – far from ideal.

On top of this, when a new Member registered with the Club they were posted a registration form which needed posting back to the membership secretary once complete. For renewing Members, their renewal forms had to be cross-referenced with the previous year’s spreadsheet, whilst Member communication relied on copying and pasting email addresses into a generic email application, all resulting in unnecessarily long hours of admin.

It was apparent the Club needed a more user-friendly, integrated system to improve the efficiency of their Administration, provide the ability for multiple users to access Member and Club information and increase payment collection rates.

The Solution

Hot Chilli Triathlon Club soon turned to LoveAdmin for help, and we happily obliged – after all, our software enjoys the jobs you hate.
The LoveAdmin software now not only allows the Club to manage all their Members’ information from one secure place, but it also allows them to collect payments online and pass responsibility for updating Members’ information back to their Members.

Most importantly for Hot Chilli, the LoveAdmin software provides a dedicated payment reports section which allows them to see at a glance all their financials.

As each payment is reconciled through the system, the payment reports are updated automatically so Administrators can view forecasted income, the total amount paid and any outstanding payments, making it easy to keep track of income which results in better cash flow.

Using LoveAdmin has allowed Hot Chilli to not only reduce their administration time but improve Member safeguards and improve access to information.

All the Club’s administration and membership activities are now accessed via LoveAdmin. New Members can now register online and manage their own accounts via a secure login, payments can be easily requested and collected online, and because the group email tool is connected to the membership database, communicating with Members now takes a fraction of the time it used to. Additionally, they are able to easily market their social events meaning better attendance.

The Result

Hot Chilli Triathlon Club have now improved their cashflow through online payments and collection rates are better than ever before. By choosing LoveAdmin the Club has modernised the way it manages its Members and now provides a convenient way for their Members to pay.

Here are the facts:

  • The Club has reduced its administration time by 60%
  • The Club has seen an increase of 25% in payments collected
  • Improved payment collection rates equate to an increase of approximately £3,000
  • Payments are now collected 3x quicker than before


Commenting on the software, Martin Disney of Hot Chilli said: “LoveAdmin is a simple to use platform for handling all aspects of the Club that involve money and Members’ information. It has become an invaluable asset to the Club and is worth every penny!”

LoveAdmin is a simple to use platform for handling all aspects of the Club that involve money and Members’ information. It has become an invaluable asset to the Club and is worth every penny!
Sports club and activity management software

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