KYDS Youth Drama Society – Admin Down 50%, Income Up £1,000

KYDS Youth Drama Society started as an informal initiative to give young children an opportunity to perform on stage

KYDS Youth Drama Society

KYDS Youth Drama Society

Founded in 2009, KYDS Youth Drama Society started as an informal initiative to give young children an opportunity to perform on stage. Their first production, ‘The Dracula Spectacular’, proved to be a huge success. Since then, the society sells over 1000 tickets to their various shows. They also became a registered charity in 2014 and seek to build community spirit as well as the confidence of the children they work with – a very worthy cause!

Unfortunately, as KYDS soon discovered, with increased membership comes increased admin. That’s where LoveAdmin steps in to help.

As the information was input manually by us, often in a rush, we'd frequently find incorrect information such as a mistyped phone number which we'd then need to correct but may not be able to find the original paper form – it was ridiculous.

The Challenge

KYDS’ old information database had quickly become outdated and ineffective. Staff members were relied upon to collect fees, relay communications to members and deal with new Member applications manually.

Speaking to James Stocker of KYDS, he said: “We started off with a Dropbox account and then moved to Google Drive, and everything was managed in a single spreadsheet. The amount of data in this spreadsheet was incredible and had to be input manually. “We would, therefore, have to give out paper forms, which weren’t small – about 3-4 sides of A4, and add the information to the spreadsheet every time someone new joined. As the information was input manually by us, often in a rush, we’d frequently find incorrect information such as a mistyped phone number which we’d then need to correct but may not be able to find the original paper form – it was ridiculous.”

As the society grew, they realised their current processes were inadequate and identified key areas which required immediate improvement.

When attempting to access the children’s information, officials often got lost trying to sift out the relevant information they needed amongst swathes of other details. To compound these issues, by using disparate tools like spreadsheets and paper renewal forms, safeguarding children’s information could be compromised or entered incorrectly. In the face of these challenges, they began looking for a solution that could support KYDS’ needs more effectively.

The Solution

KYDS wanted to find a drama school software solution that would modernise and improve the way they managed their membership. Key to their choice was the need to reduce administration time and improve communication and accessibility.

Most importantly for KYDS, the software provides members with their own online account where they can keep membership information up-to-date themselves. The process of the parent logging in and checking whether the information is up-to-date meant staff no longer had to cross-check renewal forms with last year’s spreadsheet. And, because fields could be made mandatory for completion, vital information like medical conditions, declarations and emergency contact info were collected in full, improving the safeguards for the children and the society. As it came straight from the parents too, it was less likely to be entered incorrectly.

For new children joining, no longer do the helpers have to act as administrators – new registrations are now processed online and information and payments are recorded on the database instantaneously. This saves a vast amount of time, and as a result, allows the society to focus on what they love doing most – enabling children to participate in drama and put on shows for the local community.

The Result

KYDS Youth Drama Society has seen great results since switching to LoveAdmin’s admin management software and tools. Since using the software, they have collected 100% of their payments -a rise in revenue of £1,000! Not only do they now collect more payment, but they also collect it twice as fast, drastically increasing the societies’ cash flow. Most importantly though, their time spent on admin has been reduced by a whopping 50%!

Here at LoveAdmin, we consider ourselves experts, and this is reflected in the feedback we receive from our clients. James Stocker also commented: “LoveAdmin has made a really positive difference to our organisation and with excellent support and regular updates and developments, we’re excited to carry on using them for years to come.” – yet another success for the LoveAdmin team!

Why not see our powerful drama school software for yourself? Get a FREE demo of the system today.

Since using LoveAdmin, they have collected 100% of their payments -a rise in revenue of £1,000! Not only do they now collect more payment, but they also collect it twice as fast, drastically increasing the societies’ cash flow.
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