Lewes Athletic Club – Admin Down 80%, Income Up £2,000

Starting off as a small Club in 1984 with just a few Members meeting in a car park, Lewes Athletic Club has now grown to around 100 Members.
Athletic club management software

Lewes Athletic Club

Starting off as a small Club in 1984 with just a few Members meeting in a car park, Lewes Athletic Club has now grown to around 100 Members. A big part of their Clubs’ ethos is inclusion, and consequently, they cater to those wishing to do athletics competitively, but also those who wish to take part recreationally by maintaining their historic events, the Downland 10 Mile Race and Easter Monday Fun Run!

Based in South East England, Lewes Athletic Club wanted to find a scalable solution that would allow them to significantly reduce admin, improve their access to Members’ information, and collect payments quicker. Since making the smart decision to use LoveAdmin, they haven’t looked back.

The Club needed a more user-friendly, dynamic and professional system to improve the efficiency of their administration and cashflow. Fortunately, they found LoveAdmin!

The Challenge

Prior to using LoveAdmin, the Club relied on spreadsheets and emails from Outlook – an outdated way of conducting admin – we should know! We’re the experts!

Because of this, it was very time consuming to manage Members’ information as it would need to be emailed to the person requesting it from a Committee Members’ computer, often resulting in long delays.

Payments were received by post and were paid in either cash or cheque. They then had to be manually reconciled against the Member’s record and then taken to the bank, resulting in terrible cashflow.

Registration forms from new Members were taking a long time to reach the membership secretary as they needed to be printed off, filled out by the new Member, handed back, then manually typed into the Club’s database – far from efficient. The case was the same as when an existing Member wished to renew their membership.

As you can tell, the Club needed a more user-friendly, dynamic and professional system to improve the efficiency of their administration and cashflow. Fortunately, they found LoveAdmin!

The Solution

Lewes Athletic Club hated doing admin, but we love it, and this is reflected in our software which allows them to manage their Members’ information from one place. It also allows them to collect payments online and reconcile them both quickly and automatically.

They have also taken advantage of the multiple Administrator’s feature, allowing Club Officials to have access to information whenever they need it. Because it’s online, the Club can access their Members’ information from different devices, anywhere, anytime, no restrictions.

All their administration and membership activities are now accessed via LoveAdmin making life easier. New Members can now register online and manage their own accounts via a secure login, payments can be easily requested and collected online, and because the group email tool is connected to the membership database, communicating with Members now takes a fraction of the time it used to when using their old system.

As their information is all stored in our secure database too, this also helps them towards GDPR compliance.

The Result

Lewes Athletics Club has now been able to improve their cashflow through online payments and their collection rates are higher than ever. By choosing LoveAdmin, the Club has modernised the way it manages its Members and now provides a convenient way for Members to pay.

Most importantly, however, reclaiming the time they usually would have spent doing admin now leaves them with more time to do the things they love – athletics.

We’ve done enough talking though – we’ll let the figures do the rest:

  • The Club has reduced its administration time by 80%
  • They now collect 95% of fees using LoveAdmin
  • Improved payment collection rates equate to an increase of approximately £2,000
  • Payments are collected 5x faster using LoveAdmin
LoveAdmin has considerably reduced the administration time required to collect all the required information and payments of our Lewes Athletic Club athletes. This reduction of workload has enabled us to spend more time focussing on athlete development allowing for more enjoyable and productive sessions. We would recommend LoveAdmin for any Club looking to operate more efficiently.
Sports club and activity management software

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