Nidderdale Gymnastics experience a quick improvement in their cash flow with LoveAdmin

Nidderdale Gymnastics is a small, family-run British Gymnastics club operating from the rural village of Darley in South Yorkshire
Nidderdale Gymnastics club

A Family-Run British Gymnastics Club

Nidderdale Gymnastics is a small, family-run British Gymnastics club operating from the rural village of Darley in South Yorkshire. Founded in 2017 by Dorothy Wood, her husband, and their daughter, the club takes an individual approach to every child, ensuring that equality, happiness, and progress are top priorities. While children have access to competitive and display opportunities, the club’s main focus is on providing fun, friendly gymnastics lessons to those who live in close proximity to the area.

Nidderdale Gymnastics used spreadsheets and accounting software for membership management. This involved lots of paper forms, photocopies, and updating spreadsheets coupled with emailing individual invoices to members to request payments.

The Challenge

Previously, Nidderdale Gymnastics used spreadsheets and accounting software for membership management. This involved lots of paper forms, photocopies, and updating spreadsheets coupled with emailing individual invoices to members to request payments. This would take around a week every half term followed by 10 hours marking off payments against bank statements. Dorothy described these manual processes as time-consuming and a “big headache”.

When it came to managing award schemes, this was done using paper cards which members also had access to. Inevitably, this meant that these kept getting lost and so it wasn’t a solid or accurate way to track progress and development.

The club’s main concerns were around how they managed member information and payments, so they set about finding a new and improved means to do this. That’s when they came across LoveAdmin.


The Solution & Results

For starters, Nidderdale Gymnastics quickly experienced an improvement in their cash flow as a result of regular incoming payments from parents. The club could now define when parents paid rather than having random payments being made as and when parents had the time. Because of this, the club was able to invest in new equipment and, of course, save tonnes of time on member and payment admin.

As for award schemes, these could be tracked under the Development Programme feature. The club’s coaches were happy with this and it also gave them something worthwhile to do in between classes. They continued to use paper cards since their members liked to hold onto these at the gym but if these got lost, they could now be easily replaced since all award scheme progress was available in LoveAdmin. Additionally, parents could be kept up to date of their child’s learning via the timeline on the LoveAdmin mobile app.

Additionally, the club used the timeline to push out weekly home learning content to its members with clear instructions and videos. This saved coaches the hassle of having to follow up with individual parents after every class and instead they could send out group emails from LoveAdmin to ensure everyone got the message and knew what to do.

The group email feature also proved to be effective for regular, day-to-day communication. For example, if classes were cancelled the club could send out an email to the relevant group from their database. Given their rural location, this was great because parents would know before they drove 10 miles or so to the club only to find out that their child’s class was cancelled.

During the Coronavirus crisis

Before the lockdown came into action, the coaches at Nidderdale Gymnastics spent a week at their gym filming videos. Since then, the club has really ramped up the amount of home learning content that they’re pushing out to their members via LoveAdmin. They publish both their own videos and YouTube videos several times a week to keep the message of gymnastics going.

The club has had great feedback from parents who have said that their children are enjoying the content and looking at the number of ‘views’ around two-thirds of their members are engaging with these videos which is a great result. Nidderdale Gymnastics’ main goal during this period was to keep members engaged with specific, targeted content, and with the help of LoveAdmin this has all been possible!

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Coaches lost the hassle of having to follow up with individual parents after every class and instead they could send out group emails from LoveAdmin to ensure everyone got the message and knew what to do.
Sports club and activity management software

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