Saltash Sailing Club – LoveAdmin’s flexible system is tailored to our needs

Saltash Sailing Club is a thriving and inclusive club situated on the banks of the River Tamar
Sailing club software

Sailing Club Management

Saltash Sailing Club is a vibrant, thriving and inclusive club situated on the Cornish banks of the River Tamar, not far from the English Channel and Britain’s finest sailing waters. Since establishing in 1898, they have developed into a diverse community from day 1 novices to experienced world-class competitors. Whether it involves sailing dinghies, yachts, cruising, racing or spectating, their 600 members all have the same aim which is to go “down to the sea in boats”.

Many members now pay online which has sped up payment collection and reconciliation therefore reducing the time spent on admin.

The Challenge

Saltash Sailing Club managed their membership information in a bespoke database that was developed in the late 90s. Consequently, many of its functions gradually stopped working and therefore was not aligned with incoming legislation, such as GDPR.

Saltash Sailing Club was looking to improve “just about everything” with their membership management so they approached LoveAdmin. Steve Gerry, Management Committee Member said, “I pushed for LoveAdmin as it was flexible and allowed us to tailor the system to what we needed from it.”

The Results

Many members now pay online which has sped up payment collection and reconciliation therefore reducing the time spent on admin. People join the club immediately and at their own convenience on the club’s website which is “viewed positively at a management committee level”. After the first lockdown ended, the club experienced a flurry of new members, and they simply filled in an online form and were added automatically into a database. Steve adds: “We’ve also started to use LoveAdmin for our race fees.”

A totally compliant system

As LoveAdmin sits securely in the cloud, there is no longer the worry of upgrading their desktop pc or keeping it in a private room. Some of the major buy-ins for LoveAdmin were its GDPR compliance, data encryption and password protection making it a “totally compliant system”. Multiple people at the club have access rights to send out emails, carry out audits, chase non-payers and set up events. “Talking with my cybersecurity hat on, LoveAdmin is one of the few companies that does Identity and Access Management (IdAM) properly – identity control gets you into the system, but access rights give you careful control and granularity over who can do what.”

The Results

Steve commented, “The system has enabled us to identify any late payers and any individuals who wish to cease being a member. LoveAdmin has also enabled us to quickly identify what our membership numbers are from one place. This is used regularly by the management committee to track how the club is doing on a month-by-month basis.”

The system has enabled us to identify any late payers and any individuals who wish to cease being a member. LoveAdmin has also enabled us to quickly identify what our membership numbers are from one place.
Sports club and activity management software

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