The Forty Club – Onboarding new members is now easy

The Forty Club modernised its processes with LoveAdmin’s easy-to-use software, saving time collecting money faster and automating tasks.
Cricket Club administration software

The Forty Club

The Forty Club is a national wandering cricket club covering England, Scotland and Wales, and boasts over 2,300 members.

“We play approximately 200 fixtures per season and have regular overseas tours,” says Honorary Treasurer, Ian Witchell. “Our club has 12 regional areas who all play in a knockout competition for The Herbert Hunter Trophy.”

The club’s regular midweek fixtures focus on playing against schools and colleges. This is in keeping with the founder’s message when setting up the club in 1936, which was that “experienced club and former county cricketers should take cricket to the schools”.

“All schools and colleges who we play against compete in a national competition for The Forty Club Trophy,” explains Ian. “This highly prestigious award is won by the school or college who display the most sportsmanship and quality of play. This is judged by a national panel, based on match reports from players and umpires.”

The club also has a golfing society, who play at many of the top 100 courses in the UK, as well as sister organisations in Denmark, the Netherlands and Spain.

Having all member information in an online environment means the team at The Forty Club can securely access data, track payments and communicate with members easily

The Challenge

Prior to implementing LoveAdmin’s sports club management software, The Forty Club managed its members manually and offline.

Unsurprisingly, this was particularly time-consuming for the team handling membership renewals and matching their fees with financial data.

The Solution

The Forty Club modernised its processes with LoveAdmin’s easy-to-use software, so they can collect money faster and save time by automating tasks.

Ian says: “Converting candidates from receipt of new member applications to full status is very swift and efficient (we’re very pleased about that), in comparison to our entirely paper-based systems that were in force prior to LoveAdmin.”

The Results

Having all member information in an online environment means the team at The Forty Club can securely access data, track payments and communicate with members easily.

Asked about his favourite function of the LoveAdmin system, Ian says: “Accessibility of information to a wider set of club officials than we had under our old system, and the full accountability of the subscriptions that are processed via the system.”

If, like The Forty Club, you’d like to revolutionise the way your organisation manages its admin, get your FREE demo of the software today.

Converting candidates from receipt of new member applications to full status is very swift and efficient (we're very pleased about that), in comparison to our entirely paper-based systems that were in force prior to LoveAdmin.
Sports club and activity management software

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