Tryst Gymnastics Club – Admin Down by 60%, Income Up £2,000

Based in Stenhousemuir, Tryst Gymnastics Club was founded eight years ago by Brian Paterson.
gymnastics club management and administration software

Tryst Gymnastics Club

Based in Stenhousemuir, Tryst Gymnastics Club was founded eight years ago by Brian Paterson. The Club is part of a community sports hub scheme that forms a collaboration between Larbert High School, Stenhousemuir Football Club and the local Community Trust.

Initially, when Brian started the club, there were only five gymnasts. Fast forward to 2019 and the club now has over 200 regular attendees. Due to the sizeable increase in membership, Brian upgraded from the use of one sports hall per week to two, allowing the children who joined to enjoy more sessions per week.

However, increased membership means increased admin, and Brian soon required LoveAdmin’s help.

I was having to take cash and cheques at the door and it was becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of this as the club was growing. Whilst standing there taking the payments I thought, ‘there has to be a better way of doing this and I soon discovered LoveAdmin.”

The Challenge

Tryst Gymnastics Club’s way of managing admin and collecting payments soon became ineffective and laborious. Club Officials were relied upon to collect fees mostly by hand, relay communications to their members and deal with any new applications manually.

Speaking to Brian, he said: “Despite starting with few members, this soon increased week-by-week. I was having to take cash and cheques at the door and it was becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of this as the club was growing. Whilst standing there taking the payments I thought, ‘there has to be a better way of doing this and I soon discovered LoveAdmin.”

Reliable payment, of course, is necessary for smooth operation, and Tryst Gymnastics Club soon realised its current processes were inadequate and identified key areas which required immediate improvement.

To compound these issues, Tryst Gymnastics Club were using paper renewal forms to store their members’ information. Once they’d collected the forms, Club Officials were required to manually input the information into a shared spreadsheet – a lengthy process. Additionally, following the implementation of the GDPR, their members’ information could be compromised or entered incorrectly – something they could no longer afford.

In the face of these challenges, Tryst Gymnastics Club began looking for a solution that could support their needs more effectively.

The Solution

Tryst Gymnastics Club wanted to find a software solution that would modernise and improve the way they managed their membership.

Key to their choice was the need to reduce administration time and improve their payment collection.

LoveAdmin’s ‘real time’ payment reports helped Tryst keep track of every penny paid and owed and as payments came in online, the system would reconcile the payment automatically saving them time.

When it came to keeping on top of debtors, they could quickly see who was yet to pay and send reminders direct from their payment reports without the need to do the chasing themselves, saving hours of time.

LoveAdmin also provides members with their own online accounts where they can keep their information up-to-date first-hand. The process of the parent logging in and checking that their child’s information is up-to-date increases the likelihood of the information being accurate which aids GDPR compliance.

And, because fields on the registration form can be made mandatory for completion, vital information like medical conditions, declarations and emergency contact information is now collected in full, improving the safeguards for both members and Tryst Gymnastics Club themselves. Even better, any medical information or emergency contact details that are collected can be accessed via our app.

The Results

Tryst Gymnastics Club have seen great results since switching to LoveAdmin. They have increased their payment collection by 10% – a rise in revenue of £2,000! And not only do they now collect more payment, but they also collect it 5x faster, drastically increasing the club’s cash flow. If that wasn’t good enough, they have also reduced their time spent on admin by 60% allowing them to spend time doing the things they love – like teaching children gymnastics!

Here at LoveAdmin, we consider ourselves experts, and this is reflected in the feedback we get from our clients. Brian also commented, “LoveAdmin has helped me cope with the growth of our club. The majority of our records are now kept in one place, which is ideal from a GDPR perspective. Payments are easy to collect, and non-payments are flagged, making it easy to follow up.”

Another success for the LoveAdmin team. Get your FREE demo of our gymnastics club management software.

LoveAdmin has helped me cope with the growth of our club. The majority of our records are now kept in one place, which is ideal from a GDPR perspective. Payments are easy to collect, and non-payments are flagged, making it easy to follow up.
Sports club and activity management software

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