Witham Hill Gymnastics Club – “LoveAdmin has been well worth it”

Starting from humble beginnings, Witham Hill Gymnastics Club initially only had 70 children.
gymnastics club management software

Witham Hill Gymnastics Club

Starting from humble beginnings, Witham Hill Gymnastics Club initially only had 70 children. Despite this, they’ve gone from strength to strength and the club now employs 20 paid coaches and 15 volunteers. Founded by Alisa Saunders and her husband ten years ago, Witham Hill Gymnastics Club in Lincoln has more than 800 members and some 600 on its waiting list – no small feat.

Many members bring increased admin though – something Witham Hill previously wasn’t capable of handling. Since adopting LoveAdmin, however, they’re now better equipped than ever.

I’d heard about LoveAdmin through other clubs in our area and knew what they provided. The system we were using took up a couple of days every month – something we couldn’t afford.

The Challenge

Witham Hill’s previous database had quickly become outdated and ineffective. As a result, member information often got mixed up or neglected and payments were made late (or not at all!).

When discussing their old system, Alisa said: “I’d heard about LoveAdmin through other clubs in our area and knew what they provided. I then worked out that our existing system took hours away from our members of staff. We only have a small office – myself, my husband, and my daughter, and two clerical people who just work a few hours a week. The system we were using took up a couple of days every month – something we couldn’t afford.”

Due to the inflexibility of their old system, Alissa couldn’t update member information ‘on the go’ or share it easily with other club officials who needed access.

The payment was tricky too. Discussing the issue, Alissa said, “we had people pay by standing order, but they would change the day the standing order went out every month. This would mean we didn’t receive payments for some months and had to chase them up. It took up a huge amount of time and if they left the club, they simply wouldn’t pay.”

Alissa soon realised their current processes were inadequate and identified key areas for improvement.

The Solution

Witham Hill wanted to find a new software solution that would modernise and improve the way they managed their membership.

Key to their choice was the need to increase payment collection rates, reduce administration time and improve their information database.

LoveAdmin’s ‘real time’ payment reports helped them to keep track of everything that was paid and owed, and as payments came in, the system would reconcile them automatically saving them many man-hours. Another benefit is that the software automates payment reminders which ensures the club now receives all their payments whilst saving them the time they used to spend chasing debtors.

Additionally, the software provides members with their own online accounts where they can keep membership information up-to-date themselves. The process of the member logging in and checking whether the information is up-to-date meant administrators, like Alissa and her family, no longer had to cross-check renewal forms with last year’s spreadsheet.

What Alisa also appreciates is the ease with which she can email parents/guardians, something she is now able to do extensively – “I’m emailing people left, right and centre! Everyone who is involved with the club says how much better our new system works.”

The Result

After taking the plunge with LoveAdmin Alissa commented that our gymnastic club membership software has transformed the way the club works, making it invaluable to them.

“For a start,” she says, “we were able to use the software to bring our waiting list down by a couple of hundred people, as we knew who had received the emails and who hadn’t. Another bonus for us is that when someone does leave, we can fill the space at once, so the waiting list goes down and there are no gaps in payments which has increased our profits – LoveAdmin has been well worth it.”

Thanks to the increased money coming in, and the new regularity of payments, Alisa has set her sights on expanding the gymnastics club for the third time!

In short – all things are possible now for Witham Hill Gymnastics Club, and LoveAdmin wishes them the very best for the future.

Another happy customer!

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We were able to use the software to bring our waiting list down by a couple of hundred people, as we knew who had received the emails and who hadn’t.
Sports club and activity management software

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