Wye Gymnastics & Galaxy Cheerleading – Admin Down 80%, Income Up £5,000

Wye Gymnastics & Galaxy Cheerleading started from humble beginnings with only 100 members and no permanent site.
Gymnastics team management software

Wye Gymnastics & Galaxy Cheerleading

Wye Gymnastics & Galaxy Cheerleading started from humble beginnings with only 100 members and no permanent site. In 2011 though, they secured a permanent premise and since then have come on leaps and bounds, growing to an impressive 450 regular members.

It’s not hard to see why the Club has seen such an increase in membership though given their core ambition is to provide a safe, effective and child-friendly environment which offers children the opportunity to participate in gymnastics and cheerleading – both at a recreational and competitive level.

As their membership grew, however, so did their time spent on admin and after a long, they were swamped. Fortunately, they heard of LoveAdmin and we were able to help.

360air soon found their admin was too much. Fortunately, LoveAdmin was able to help

The Challenge

Wye Gymnastics’ paper forms and labyrinthian spreadsheets had quickly become ineffective for their increased membership numbers. Club Officials were relied upon to collect fees at the end of classes, relay communications to members via letter or email and deal with new member applications manually – no small feat.

Speaking to Carly Hawke, the General Manager, said: “We moved to a new permanent facility in 2011 and at that time we were running paper registers to record both attendance and payments and this made it very easy to lose track of things. We worked on a ten-week block system which we soon found made it easy for people to miss payments.”

To compound these issues, by relying on paper renewal forms, safeguarding members’ information could be compromised – a big GDPR no-no.

And, by relying on Club Officials to collect cash payments or waiting for members to pay by bank transfer Wye Gymnastics’ cash flow was suffering. When they received cash payments, they would then have to go to the bank to cash it in to their account – something else which drained their already limited time.

In the face of these challenges, they began looking for a solution that could support Wye Gymnastics’ needs more effectively. They realised their current processes were inadequate and identified key areas for improvement.

The Solution

Wye Gymnastics & Galaxy Cheerleading wanted to find a software solution that would modernise and improve the way they managed their membership.

Key to their choice was the need to reduce administration time, improve their membership database and automate payment.

LoveAdmin’s ‘real time’ payment reports have helped them keep track of everything that was paid and owed, and as payments come in, the system reconciles the payment automatically saving many man-hours. Because payments are received electronically, there are also far fewer trips to the bank and the Club’s cash flow has drastically improved.

Additionally, the software provides members with their own online accounts where they can keep membership information up to date. The process of the member logging in and checking whether their information is up-to-date meant club officials, like Martin, no longer have to spend hours on administration. And, because fields can be made mandatory for completion, vital information like medical information and emergency contact details are collected in full, improving the safeguards for both the members and the Club.

They also find the email tool very useful. With 450 members, being able to send emails to anyone (or all) of them from within the system is invaluable – especially when it comes to payment reminders and competition information, etc.

For new people joining, no longer do club Officials, like Carly, have to act as administrators – new registrations are now done online, and information and payments are recorded on the database instantaneously. This saves a vast amount of time, and as a result, allows the club to focus on what they love doing most – teaching kids gymnastics and cheerleading!

The Results

Wye Gymnastics & Galaxy Cheerleading has seen great results since switching to the LoveAdmin’s gymnastic club management software.

After using the software, they have decreased their time spent on admin by 80%, gained over £5,000 in additional fees collected and collect payments 5x quicker than ever before, drastically improving their cash flow.

Commenting on the software, Carly said: “LoveAdmin has literally changed our lives and our club an immeasurable amount and we are now well on our way to being a successful and profitable entity. We cannot thank them enough.”

Here at LoveAdmin, we consider ourselves experts in admin and this is reflected in the results we achieve with our clients. 

Get your FREE demo of the system today.

In the time we have used LoveAdmin we have seen a noticeable reduction in time spent checking and chasing fees. Our customers prefer the ease of direct debit and the system enables us to be more accurate, communicate better and operate more professionally. LoveAdmin will be an invaluable tool for the future!
Sports club and activity management software

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