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We are lucky to work with some amazing Administrators, across a range of sectors in the activity provider space, and often they are the unsung heroes of an organisation keeping parents and members happy, and businesses in business!

The admin of a business can make or break it, and we think it’s time to celebrate the people and organisations who are doing it the very best.

Awards categories:

Administrator of the year

(Classes and Courses/Team Sports/Membership Orgs)

Open to any active administrator of a LoveAdmin account. You can submit in one of three categories: Classes & Courses include any physical or non-physical activity that is individual, or group based such as gymnastics, swimming, performing arts, music, drama or other courses. Team sports include team activities such as Football, Rugby, Cricket, Rowing, Basketball. Membership orgs include all membership organisations.


Volunteer of the year

Open to any person within a volunteer role, who utilise functions of the LoveAdmin system.


The communications master award

Awarded to the organisation who showcases the most effective and engaging communications with their customers using email, SMS and other methods.


The stand-out brand award

Awarded to the organisation who showcases strong brand management and consistency, making their brand stand out from the crowd.


The growth award

Awarded to the organisation who showcases strong growth, whether that be revenue, products offered or members/class numbers. This organisation doesn’t stand still and is constantly looking at ways to grow further. Data and numbers to back this entry can be for judges’ eyes only – please mark up for any you would like to be kept that way.


The member management award

Awarded to the organisation who showcases strong member management and a consistent member approach. This organisation is always looking to improve their member experience and improve efficiency.


The newcomer award

Awarded to an organisation who started with LoveAdmin in the past 6 months. This award will take into consideration the onboarding and set up of an account and improvements from their previous way of managing admin.


The people’s choice award

This Award will be voted for by the whole LoveAdmin team and will take into consideration everything from account aspirations, communications and feedback with LoveAdmin, feature usage, strategic thinking, openness to improvements and more! The team will be looking for those true admin evolvers!


How to enter

There are no costs to enter the NAPAAs, simply nominate your choice (you can self-nominate), before the deadline, using the form below before 24th May.

Organisations can only be nominated once per category.

Provide as much detail as possible to support your nomination, to help stand out to the judges.

This information can include data that supports your entry, customer testimonials, reviews, peer testimonials, plus imagery or documents and of course your write up!

You can see the awards timeline below.

Awards timeline

  1. Nominations open: 30th April
  2. Nominations close: 30th May
  3. Judging period: 31st May – 12th June
  4. Shortlist announcement: 12th June
  5. Announce: 12th July
NAPAAS Award Timeline

The Judges

Dr Jenni Bradford
Dr Jenni Bradford
Institute of Children's Activity Providers
Alex Row
Alex Row
Waveney Gymnastics Club
Stacey Calder
Stacey Calder
Business Success Network
Dave Evans
Dave Evans


How to write an winning answer to “Why are you nominating this person or business?”

Start with your story and then back it up with evidence. Be as specific as you can and avoid general phrases like “I’m nominating this person because she’s brilliant.” What is she brilliant at and how can you prove it?

Often the most compelling entries are the ones that come from the heart but if you’re looking for a place to start, use this simple template as your springboard:

“I’m nominating [X] for [X award] because they [solved this challenge or achieved this milestone]. This was achieved by [how they did it] and resulted in [what the results were].”

Now expand on this. If you can get a testimonial from some one who works with them or a parent, then add that in. They really help with entries.

Bonus: if you can also show how that person or business impacts the wider activities community, not just the kids who attend their sessions, even better!

If you have any questions regarding the awards process, please contact the team on marketing@loveadmin.com. Best of luck!