Staff Spotlight – Kevin Miller, Senior Football Consultant

Get to know Kevin

What do you do at LoveAdmin?

I’m the Senior Football Consultant here at LoveAdmin, so my job is to speak to football clubs across the country at all levels – from The Premier League to Non-League to Grassroots, Acadamies, Soccer Schools, After School Clubs – and offer them the opportunity to have a look at the software we provide and hopefully make their lives a little easier by reducing their admin.

What do you love about working at LoveAdmin?

For me, it’s a dream job – I get to talk to people across the country about football at all levels, get to understand their passion for the game, share stories, experiences and advice, and build friendships. I also work with a brilliant team – there’s a real positive balance here  . . . We all get on, we work hard and our roles complement each other perfectly.

If you could write your own job title and description that best describes what you do here, what would it be?

I’d say “A football expert required to speak to people within the game at all levels, and to offer an easy payment management software system that has been designed to complement, enhance and reduce club admin.”

“Must have the ability to listen to stories – sometimes long stories – of experiences in football at all levels, be patient with club committees, sometimes show demos of the software in the evenings when the committee are all available, and not to be too distracted if some of them are cooking / cleaning / washing up on whilst on the call. All whilst having the ability to empathise with all generations within the game”.

Phew, what a description!

What is LoveAdmin’s USP and how does it separate us from our competitors?

We have a team of experts in the field all on hand to help, not just with questions and queries on the software, but also with grassroots funding including helping clubs source relevant grants.

There are blogs, videos, and articles all available, and a Grassroots Football Facebook Group that is growing daily, where the community share stories, see advice and pass on help to other like-minded people.

The software has been designed to interact with all elements within a football club, but it’s our growing influence in the game itself that makes us unique within our field.

Tell us something interesting about yourself

I’ve actually been in the game for over 18 years – I was in the commercial teams of both Watford and Crystal Palace in the Premier League, and have been a CEO and Vice Chair for two Non-League teams.

In the 90’s I was a football reporter for BBC Radio London, and reported on Premier League games and incidents pre-match, during the game, half-time and post-match, and found the relevant manager for the studio host to interviews post-match. I used to get time off from my boss at the time to do it, so long as I made up the time after.

What do you like doing in your spare time?

Surprise, surprise! – I’m Vice Chair of Non-League Whitehawk Football Club . . . Well, my official title (as a volunteer) is, ahem, Vice Chair, Head of Commercial, Marketing and PR, Matchday PA, Matchday DJ and Occasional Barman. It’s a step 4 club which on a good day can get over 600 people. We have all the same issues that our clients have – lack of volunteers, sourcing revenue, finding coaches, etc. which is why I can relate to so many clubs around the country. We do it because we love it . . .

I love music, cooking, the odd glass of red, and travel . . . If I can get away with my family for a weekend, take in a gig, cook some local food, drink some local wine and watch a game that’s perfection for me!

When you’re in control of the LoveAdmin playlist, what music would you play?

I play the Hawks’ FC matchday playlist, which consists of dance, rave, techno, house, punk, indie, acoustic, little metal, jazz, rock, chill, world, current stuff and even some bass and reggae . . .

No Phil Collins!

Tell us a random fact about you

I managed to ‘blag’ myself into Channel Four’s ‘The Comic Strip’ comedy shows in the 90’s and was an ‘extra’ for half a dozen episodes, playing a copper, a New York copper, a waiter, a kangaroo (no really!), a medic and dead.

Amazing experience, watching the likes of Rik Mayall, Alexi Sayle, Adrian Edmondson, Dawn French and Jenifer Saunders (one episode even featured Kate Bush). On one occasion I was so desperate to take part I asked the make-up department to feign a hand injury and bandage it up, so I could tell work I’d be off sick for two days.

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