Staff Spotlight – Dave Evans, CEO and Founder

Get to know Dave

What do you do at LoveAdmin?

Day-to-day, everything that falls between the cracks of everyone else’s responsibilities! Above that, making sure the business has a clear strategy and the right level of resource to deliver it.

What do you love about working at LoveAdmin?

Fortunately, I very much enjoy what I do so I don’t consider it work. My enjoyment comes from providing a service that helps people and the challenge of growing a business that supports them.

And of course the team. We’ve worked very hard over recent years to develop a culture that’s consistent with our business ethos and only hire the best people that reflect our values. When you pull together a team of like-minded individuals, it creates a fun environment that people enjoy being part of.

If you could write your own job title that best describes what you do here, what would it be?

Plate Catcher

What is LoveAdmin’s USP and how does it separate us from our competitors?

We operate in a crowded space with most software companies focusing on similar features and benefits. LoveAdmin is all about the people and service. Our team truly care about our customer’s success and are invested in helping them achieve their goals. The bi-product of that shines through in our software platform.

What’s on the horizon for LoveAdmin?

We are in a big recruitment drive to support our 2023/24 plans. As anyone who runs a business knows, finding the right people takes a lot of time and effort but thankfully we’re coming towards the end of that process. With the resources in place, we can accelerate iterations to the new LoveAdmin platform (V2). This year, expect to see big improvements to the user interface both from a member / customer perspective and the administrator view.

We also have to remove the elephant from the room – migrating hundreds of customers from the legacy LoveAdmin system to the new version. It’s no small feat but we’re excited to share the new system with our loyal customers (who have been very patiently waiting – for which we appreciate).

Tell us something interesting about yourself

I trained for 2 years to swim the channel. My journey finished 5 hours into a 6 hour qualifying swim, going nowhere against the tide somewhere near Eastbourne. Lesson learnt – always test the temperature before you decide to jump in.

What do you like doing in your spare time?

I’m a restless soul so I’m always on the go. My radar is constantly on looking for opportunities and thinking how we can do things better – there’s no off-switch! At the weekends, you’ll find me at my laptop, walking the dogs, playing tennis, cooking, in a country pub, eating cheese and drinking wine. You won’t find me doing DIY. I’m terrible at it.

When you’re in control of the LoveAdmin playlist, what music would you play?

Dad Rock. Let’s start with Coldplay and follow up with The Killers.

Tell us a random fact about you

I’ve duetted with Jenson Button.

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