12 reasons why members love membership management software

Club owners, managers and committee members aren’t the only people who benefit from membership management software; members of your organisation do too.

LoveAdmin simplifies the way they manage their membership, ultimately improving their experience with your organisation.

Here are 12 reasons why members love our software:

1. Sign up in minutes

To sign up, all someone needs is a link to your registration form (which can be placed on your website). They can then input details at their own convenience and double-check everything is correct before submitting the form.

There’s no need to waste time printing paper forms and returning them to you. And if you’re unable to take on new members at that time, there’s the option to be placed on a waiting list.

2. Information is secure and GDPR compliant

The LoveAdmin platform and all your data is stored securely, so members don’t need to worry about their information falling into the wrong hands.

Access to member records is password protected and data is encrypted with military-grade technology. Only authorised people can view, edit, and delete it.

3. Control over information

Members get their own secure account that they can easily log into and manage. They can see what information about them is stored and update it if necessary.

If anything changes, you are quickly notified. With traditional membership management, members can’t access this information and have to contact you directly to let you know of any changes.

4. Use LoveAdmin on the go

Members don’t need to be using a desktop computer or laptop to use our platform. We have a mobile-optimised website allowing them to manage their account from a tablet or smartphone. And it can be accessed 24/7.

5. Keep medical information updated

Members can easily update their account with next of kin information and any medical conditions. And they can be confident that all the relevant people in your organisation can see this information and will act accordingly in the case of an emergency.

6. Make payments simple

When members receive payment reminders, they can log into their account from their smartphone and either make one-off payments using a card or set up a direct debit. They can also choose to pay in monthly instalments if they can’t afford to pay one lump sum e.g. for a whole term (if you have enabled that option).

Payments are processed securely by LoveAdmin’s industry-leading payment partners so your members no longer need to find cash, write cheques, or set up standing orders with their bank.

7. See proof of payment

Not only do members get electronic receipts to confirm payments, they also have a record of every payment they’ve made. In the event of a payment dispute, this provides them with evidence. Members can also use this for personal budgeting to see how much they’re spending over a period of time.

8. Renew effortlessly

Membership renewal letters can easily get lost. Our technology makes it really easy for members to remember to pay on time as they’ll receive handy payment reminders.

9. Easy event registration

Whether it’s tournaments, matches, competitions or gatherings, members can register for events and also pay for them using their LoveAdmin account from their smartphone. Pre-populated information saves time and all your event information is sent to them prior to registering.

Free ultimate guide to managing members

10. Always in the loop

LoveAdmin ensures your members are informed quickly and efficiently about any important information. That includes welcome emails, payment reminders, payment confirmations, renewal reminders, event reminders, event confirmations, and other important club communications.

11. Buy optional extras

If your organisation sells optional extras, like kit or merchandise, members can pay for this straight from their account. Plus, their payment details are saved so the whole process is quick and simple.

12. Stay up-to-date

For an extra level of insight, members can use the timeline feature from their smartphone. Additionally, you can post content such as training photos, videos, quizzes, industry news, and articles.


Overall, having membership management software in place gives your members extra confidence that your organisation is run well, and that you have proper processes are in place. They also have a quick and easy way to manage their membership in a single consolidated place.

And with version 2 of the LoveAdmin software coming very soon, there’s more for them to love – and you, too.

If you’re looking for software that your members can benefit from, contact us today.

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