Lauren Benham

Staff Spotlight – Jess Melville, Senior Support Specialist

Get to know Jess What do you do at LoveAdmin? I am a Senior Support Specialist, which means I handle any queries our live customers might have about the LoveAdmin…

If you’re involved with a club or children’s activity business chances are you deal with parents on a regular basis. Parental support in any extracurricular activity can be a really…

As a coach or a parent, it’s crucial to teach children how to approach winning and losing with a positive mindset. In this article, we’ll provide tips on how to…

Get to know Kevin What do you do at LoveAdmin? I’m the Senior Football Consultant here at LoveAdmin, so my job is to speak to football clubs across the country…

Are you interested in learning how psychology can help your organisation leave a lasting impression on potential customers? Enter the halo effect – a social-psychology phenomenon that can either make…

If you want to retain and attract members, Instagram is a powerful tool. With the use of this intuitive platform, organisations like yours can gain valuable insights into their audiences…

How to grow your dance school Are you looking for ways to grow your dance school? Unsure about where to start with preschool dance classes? Don’t worry, we have the…

In celebration of His Majesty The King’s Coronation, numerous organisations and volunteers throughout the country are uniting to help their local communities. Everyone can get involved regardless of their skills,…

Get to know Dave What do you do at LoveAdmin? Day-to-day, everything that falls between the cracks of everyone else’s responsibilities! Above that, making sure the business has a clear…