Lily Clow

Why understanding marketing is important for your organisation

Have you ever wondered what marketing is and what it can do for your business? In simple terms, marketing is promoting your organisation to get customers to buy from you….

Imagine this; all your classes are full, your members are happy, and your coaches are being kept busy. You’ve even had to set up a waiting list. So, what’s next?…

How to make conditioning training fun for gymnasts To thrive in gymnastics, you need to be an athlete with many attributes. You need to be strong, flexible, agile, and coordinated…

Did you know that the Club Hub event was on the 11th of May? Our very own Lauren Benham, Marketing Manager, and James Brooker, Strategic Business Manager, spent the day networking…

Are you looking to add some fun to the beginning of your lessons? Here’s 5 ice breakers to help students to get to know each other better. Whether you’re teaching…

Creating a fun and safe environment for students can be the difference between them enjoying your class or not. But it doesn’t have to be hard, and you’re probably doing…

Do you want to increase your revenue but are not sure where to start? We get it. We asked our Strategic Business Manager, James Brooker for his advice on how…

Did you know that National Children’s Activity Week is starting on 13th May 2024? Which means you have one month left to plan how you’re going to take part. By…

6 tips to help keep club funds coming in throughout the year Want to make your club revenue more consistent throughout the year? Do you have quiet points in the…