Celebrating football from the bottom up: How to get involved with Non-League Day

About non-league football

If you’re involved with grassroots football, chances are you’ve heard of Non-League Day.

But what exactly is it? Non-League Day is an annual event in March that celebrates non-league football clubs and the fantastic people who help make them successful. It’s a day designed to bring more attention to the teams and leagues, increase awareness among local fans, and raise money for good causes.

Here’s everything you need to know about Non-League Day, plus some helpful tips on how your club can get involved.

What is non-league football?

Non-league football refers to all levels of professional football outside of the top four divisions in England (which consist of the Premier League, Championship, League One, and League Two).

This includes semi-professional and amateur leagues like the National League, Isthmian Premier Division, Northern Premier Division, Southern Premier Division, etc. as well as local Sunday Leagues and even youth teams.

When does Non-League Day take place?

Non-League Day is a highly anticipated annual event. This year it’s taking place on 23th March 2024.

How did Non-League Day come about?

Non-League Day was founded in 2010 by James Doe as a way to highlight the importance of grassroots football teams across the UK and Ireland. Since it was founded, it has been known to help double if not triple attendance on the day for clubs. The event takes place annually and is meant to celebrate lower-league teams who don’t get the same recognition as their higher-league counterparts.

Supporters are encouraged to take time out from watching Premier League matches and instead use that time to show their support for local teams. In addition to providing a platform for supporters to show their appreciation of non-league football, Non-League Day also serves as a way for the community to get together and experience something new.

What happens on Non-League Day?

The idea behind Non-League Day is simple – it’s a day dedicated to promoting non-league football clubs by encouraging local fans to come out and support their teams.

On this day, many clubs will hold special events like discounted tickets or even free admission for kids in order to attract more fans.

In addition, there are often half-time activities or competitions held during games to give fans something extra to look forward to.

All in all, the day is a great way for non-league clubs to promote themselves while serving as a way of raising awareness for Prostate Cancer UK, the official charity partner of Non-League Day.

 How can I help do my part as a fan and support Non-League Day?

It’s a day that brings together thousands of supporters from across the UK and Ireland who want to show their appreciation for non-league football clubs in their community. As a community member, you have the unique opportunity to use your influence to make sure everyone knows just how exciting non-league football can be.

Here are some ideas on how you can show your support:

  • Encourage your family and friends to attend games on the day. Lots of people may be unfamiliar with the day, so by you spreading the word you help to raise awareness
  • Start conversations online by using #NonLeagueDay on social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. Share your experiences with non-league teams or let other people know why they should come out and support their local team on Non-League Day
  • Volunteer at games. Many clubs will be looking for extra help with tasks such as ticket sales or setting up/taking down equipment before / after games. Check with your club about how you can help out

How can your club make some noise for Non-League Day?

Non-League Day is a great excuse to go all out and plan some exciting activities and fundraising opportunities. Here’s some ideas to get you inspired:

  • Showcase local breweries – Invite some local breweries to bring in their beers and offer samples for those who want to try something new
  • Bring in some food options – Food trucks such as burgers or pizzas are always a firm fan favourite
  • Bring some soul to the game with music – Live music is always a great way to boost the mood of any event. Get in touch with some local bands to see if they would like some exposure
  • Face painting – This is a nice way to involve children on the day
  • Bouncy castle / kids games – This is another great way to make your football club more appealing to families

We hope that these ideas spark an exciting day of passion for non-league football!

What does our LoveFootball community say about Non-League Day?

Our LoveFootball Community ambassador, Wayne Harvey said; “Non-League Day is an amazing idea which has grown in popularity over the past 13 years, it provides a spotlight for non-league clubs and an opportunity to not only increase attendance on that day but also provides a chance to increase the club’s fanbase in the long-term too. I believe that all clubs should use this opportunity, including grassroots clubs, as a way to raise much-needed funds and gain new supporters, players and volunteers. Make the day a fun and wonderful experience for everyone and use it to help grow your club.”

Kevin Miller, Senior Football Consultant at LoveAdmin and Vice Chair of Non-League Football Club Whitehawk FC said; “Non-League Day is vital for clubs such as ours, as it creates an opportunity to showcase who they are and what they do for their community. Their respective League’s are also recognising its impact, and offer Clubs the chance to be more creative, to boost attendance – So some offer free entry, some offer ‘pay what you can’, some offer half-price etc. For Whitehawk, we book live bands, face-painters, invite the fans to dress up in fancy dress, and invite our local community groups and charities to set up stands & stalls on the day and promote various community causes.” He added, “Every town around the country has a football club, and every football club is run by volunteers who passionately believe in their community. Non-League Day gives them a chance to be proud of that community, and it has become one of the most important games of the season!”

How can LoveAdmin help your football club?

We help make running your non-league football club easy. Our powerful software has been built specifically for clubs like yours. We can save you a huge amount of time managing payments, registrations, the Whole Game System, one-off bookings, and scheduling.

We can even help to boost your commercial revenue by enabling fans, customers and parents to make a simple payment through the system. But that’s not all.

Discover more about our non-league football club software here.

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