Your essential football management end of season checklist

The season might be ending, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to pump the breaks – it’s quite the opposite.

We know that the end of season doesn’t mean the hard work stops. From preparations for the next season, planning friendlies and summer tournaments to reflecting on the season just gone – the work doesn’t stop.

That’s why you need to stay on top of your admin and management, so that when the new season comes around, you’re ready to go.

To help you get started we’ve put together a checklist of 10 essential tasks you need to do before the new season starts.

1. The AGM

A major part of closing off the season is the chance for the club to complete finances and to set budgets for the new season. This is the time to go through the season and to discuss how things could be made better, do you need a new payments system? Can you apply for funding for next season? Are you spending too much time on admin? If you leave this too late then it can be difficult to get together, because of summer holidays and clashing commitments.

2. Sponsorship

Sponsorship is essential for all clubs to function. Whether that is kit sponsorship or tournaments, it’s important you plan your sponsorship opportunities to get the maximum return. Do you want to secure some sponsorship? Ask parents within the club if they own any businesses, reach out to your local community or large businesses near to you.

Make sure you communicate with existing sponsors sooner rather than later. Now is a great time to tie down next season’s sponsorship agreements, or worst case find new sponsors. Take your existing and potential sponsors for dinner or drinks to keep them sweet and see if you can get those sponsors committed to the next season. Remind your sponsors of what their support has achieved and what brand awareness they have got in return (which is what they want to hear).

3. Registration & software review

To make sure you start the next season without a hitch there are a few different registration and compliance tasks you need to complete.

Complete player registrations by collecting information from members. This can be completed online using the County FA website

Review all software including admin or management software. Is it achieving what you need it to? Could there be something better on the market?

4. Safeguarding and requalification

Making sure your players are safe and their wellbeing is protected is an important part of planning for the next season and something you must continually monitor. We recommend putting on training for coaches or volunteers with out-of-date qualifications and making sure everyone understands the club’s child protection policies.

5. Player recruitment

Now is a great time to think about how you’re going to attract new players for the next season. Offer squad trials in the off season and invite players to train with your team before the season kicks off – you can use this opportunity to gauge their skill level and recruit them.

We recommend promoting trials within your local community through your website, socials, email and also in local groups and schools.

6. Team kits

With the season over, it’s time to get your kit back in order. Firstly, think back to last season, how often were you having to replace kit due to wear and tear or outgrowing? Have you got a sponsor? Do you need to change your supplier? Next you need to think about home and away kits. Are you going to buy separate kits or stick to one design?

7. Training equipment

Just like team kits, you need to refill your equipment stocks. Make a list of what you need, starting with the essential items like footballs, cones, bibs, and training goals. Think about what equipment you need to upgrade? Are there any opportunities for local companies to donate some equipment to your club or perhaps you could arrange a fundraiser for some new goals?

8. Plan your club fixtures

It’s time to plan your pitch, training and game schedules and fixtures. If you don’t own your pitches, you can choose between council-owned or private pitches, but you must consider cost and maintenance. The quality of the pitch vs cancellation likelihoods should also be a consideration. Think forward to bad weather, is this pitch likely to flood?

9. Boost your volunteer engagement

Volunteers are vital for the smooth running of the club. You can use the off season to recruit new volunteers for roles with specific requirements like coaching, administration, equipment management, and fundraising. You’ll also need to find time to give them the training and support they need.

If you’d like to learn more, here’s some tips from the Chairman at Berkhamsted Raiders CFC on how to keep your volunteers engaged.

10. Plan your fundraising activity

Something that should always be top of mind is fundraising, but it can sometimes fall by the wayside during the height of the season. That’s why developing and putting in place fundraising strategies that will set you up throughout the next season is best. Some ideas that you can build from are doing events, acquiring sponsors, taking advantage of your online platform to spread the word about your fundraising efforts.

Good preparation can be crucial for a successful season ahead and with this checklist you should have everything in place. If your current admin systems aren’t working for you, now is the perfect time to find something that’s better suited to your needs. Why not talk to our football consultant to see if LoveAdmin is right for you – Book a demo here.

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