Burnley FC in the Community: Behind the scenes

Behind the scenes at a successful community foundation

Burnley FC in The Community are the award-winning, official charity of Burnley Football Club who use the power of the badge to transform people’s lives for the better.

They reach the community in three key areas: Football, Sport and Education, Welfare and Inclusion, and Community Facilities.

We explored how this charitable organisation that successfully serves its people, with input from their Sports Development Manager, Chanelle.

What goes on behind the scenes

Following a busy summer and a well-deserved break, Chanelle and her team are tasked with launching new activities. This involves a comprehensive decision-making process that includes input from coaches, management members, and the trustees.

“After a summer filled with camps and sessions, it’s time to launch all our brand-new activities (referred to as products on the Love Admin system). This means that during the summer, I work behind the scenes to get them off the ground and ready to go live.”

Burnley FC in the Community has a community filled with passionate football fans and works with individuals from the moment they can kick their first ball until their senior days. The organisation strives to develop a variety of activities that appeal to a wide audience.

The team at Burnley FC in the Community continually reviews their programmes and booking processes to ensure they effectively serve their community while also meeting their charitable goals. This means constantly reviewing reports across what is helping them to drive revenue that supports further activity, and making decisions as to what activities are driving engagement and which need an update.

Organising events that connect with the community

Every year, Burnley FC in the Community organises well-attended, successful fundraising events!

This includes everything from the Turf Sleepout, which raised over £11,000 by encouraging people to sleep under the stars at Turf Moor and Burnley FC in the Community’s Record-Breaking Charity Dinner which raised over £60,000 in one evening.

At Burnley FC in the Community, I oversee all paid provisions. I maintain a strong connection with the administrative team as we offer a range of sessions that require promotion and sales.

– Chanelle McManus, Sports Development Manager

The teams at the charity can make use of the tools provided by LoveAdmin to help them reduce their admin time and increase their event promotion.

Click here to learn more about how to manage events like a pro, and reduce admin time

Engaging with the community in a genuine way

Burnley FC in the Community use a variety of techniques to engage with their community. This includes posting on social media, sending emails and communicating via SMS.

Among other things, Burnley FC in the Community uses their social media to get the community excited about upcoming events or programmes and announce any exciting news.

Email and SMS are more suitable for engaging with registered community members. This could be anything from registration confirmations to scheduling updates.

Not only can Burnley FC in the Community securely access information needed to contact members within the community quickly, but members can also update their own information online. This makes SMS and email comms easy and efficient.

Click here to learn more about how to make the most of engaging with your members

Final thoughts…

By using LoveAdmin, Burnley FC in the Community can efficiently manage events and programmes, ensuring that all members within the community are well-supported.

“Now that we work with LoveAdmin, a lot of my admin around parent management has been reduced. I no longer spend most of my days ringing parents to take payments, give updates or answer queries.” Chanelle McManus, Sports Development Manager.

Discover how LoveAdmin can support you here

Working with Sports Foundations and Community Trusts

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