Webinar: How to get your classes into schools and nurseries

Getting your business into schools and nurseries…

May seem like an impossible task, but it doesn’t have to be.

With over 3,000+ nurseries and 32,000+ schools in the UK, it can be a lucrative and rewarding strategy. It can help generate more revenue for your business, and enrich the curriculum for potentially hundreds of children.

We recently hosted a free webinar with Cerys Keneally, who specialises in helping children’s activity providers approach schools and nurseries without the need for cold calling.

Over the years, Cerys has helped hundreds of business owners improve their sales and marketing strategy for approaching schools and nurseries – with great success.

Our webinar covers everything you need to know about how to get your business into schools and nurseries.

Including the following:

  • Common issues that businesses often make when trying to email schools and nurseries
  • How to identify and build personal connections with those key school and nursery stakeholders
  • How to present yourself as a relevant, useful and valuable resource to schools and nurseries
  • How to utilise the ‘STOP’ framework to your advantage when approaching schools and nurseries

A big thank you to Cerys for her time, and to those who asked such interesting questions during the webinar.

Watch our FREE webinar if you missed it below.

You can follow this and other similar discussions by joining our communities on Facebook:

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