Six grassroots football club grants you need to know about

Grassroots Football Grants

With so many grassroots football club grants available, finding the right one can be challenging. It can be a hassle to figure out what funding you’re actually eligible for since deadlines, funding amounts, and the application process often changes.

To save you time, we’ve put together the ultimate list of six of the best grassroots football club grants.

Whatever your needs are, we have a grant for you, from funding to reducing inequality to upgrading your clubhouse.

Keep reading to discover our list of grassroots football club grants. You can also find full in-depth criteria for each grant by clicking the links.

Six grassroots football club grants you can apply for

Grassroots Football club grants from CymruActif Be Active Wales

1. The Be Active Wales Fund 

The Be Active Wales Fund is a great scheme that offers a wide range of football club grants. The grants can be used to upskill volunteers, buy equipment that allows more to take part in sports, and also reach people who are currently underrepresented in sports.

The eligibility criteria for The Be Active Wales Fund are as follows:

  • Is your grassroots football club based in Wales?
  • Does your club help to reduce inequality?
  • Does your club help to create long-term sustainability?

Grants from £300 to £50,000 are available for Welsh grassroots football clubs.

Football club grants from Grassroots Fund - Powered by Utilita Energy High 5

2. Grassroots Fund – Powered by Utilita Energy High 5

This no-nonsense grant markets itself as a no strings attached scheme. With the goal of helping grassroots clubs and leagues and volunteers, they want to make a difference.

Grants can be used for a project, an emergency or just to say thank you to someone working within the grassroots football community.

The eligibility criteria for the Grassroots Fund are as follows:

  • You need to be a grassroots football club that can demonstrate how it wants to make a difference with the grant.
  • Applicants must come from an FA-accredited club or league and be connected to individuals or projects within grassroots football.

Barclays Community Grassroots Football Fund

3. Barclays Community Football Fund 

The Barclays Community Football Fund has now opened up to all eligible football clubs and community groups across the UK, whether you wish to start a new team or expand your existing offerings.

Barclays is keen to help clubs that want to reduce inequality in football for girls, and young people from low socio-economic and under-represented groups.

The eligibility criteria for the Barclays Community Fund are as follows:

  • Your club must be a not-for-profit organisation
  • You must have a bank account in the name of your club
  • You must have an up-to-date Safeguarding policy in place
  • You offer football activities to young people (under 25) or you are wanting to start
  • You currently offer football activities for girls or you are wanting to start
  • You are committed to growing the membership of your football club
  • You want to access training to learn about how to engage with new under-represented audiences

Grassroots football grants of £500 are available.

Grassroots Football club grants from Warburtons

4. Warburtons Grants

Warburtons has partnered with Charities Aid Foundation to offer grassroots football clubs three grants.

Grants for community development, project development, and project funding are available. Currently, only community grants are available; development grants will be available in 2023, and project grants will be available by the end of 2022.

The eligibility criteria for the Warburtons Grants are as follows:

  • Community grants – you must be based in England, Scotland, or Wales
  • Development grants – you must be a registered charity or CIC within 15 miles of a Warburton depot site
  • Project grants – you must be a registered charity or CIC within 15 miles of a Warburton bakery or depot site

Community grants are available up to £400, development grants are available up to £3,000, and project grants range from £10,000 to £20,000.

The Walking Football Association Football club grants

5. The Walking Football Association – Grassroots Grant

In conjunction with KP, The Walking Football Association offers grassroots clubs funding opportunities to run new impairment sessions.

There are two types of grants available – one is a new club grant to help purchase essential start-up equipment, the second is a new impairment session grant that supports initial facilities hire or community engagement.

The eligibility criteria for the WFA Grant are as follows:

  • You must be affiliated to the WFA and be on the club database
  • You may only apply for one of the available grants
  • The grant can be refunded to the WFA if not used within three months
  • You must have a constitution and a club bank account

There are 10 x £100 new club grants and 10 x £200 new impairment grants available to grassroots football clubs.

The Together Fund - Deaf Sport Grassroots Football club grants

6. The Together Fund – Deaf Sport

This fund is a continuation of the Tackling Inequalities Fund that was created within Sport England’s support package. The aim of this grant is to help get deaf or hard-of-hearing people to access sports.

The eligibility criteria for The Together Fund are as follows:

  • Your club must be operating in England
  • You must be members of UK Deaf Sport
  • You must be either a registered charity, not-for-profit, social enterprise or community interest company

Grants of up to £3,000 are available to football clubs.

Interested in learning more about grassroots sports grants? Discover our previous article about sports funding grants you may be eligible for.

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