Our favourite LoveAdmin features of 2023

Highlights of 2023 – Our favourite feature releases of the year

Katherine Whitehead
Customer Support Specialist

2023 was a busy year for feature development at LoveAdmin. Here is a round-up of our six favourite features of 2023, aimed at further reducing your administrative time and improving customer engagement and the experience of your customers. Here’s to many more in 2024!

Sending SMS messages

One of our most exciting features of 2023 was the new ability to communicate with customers via SMS.

The ability to send SMS messages to your customers reduces the risk of your messages getting lost in their potentially crowded inboxes. Therefore, increasing your open rate and allowing you to get your message across instantly.

On average 90% of SMS receivers will read an SMS within 3 minutes of receiving it! Want that kind of engagement and reach? Find out more about setting up SMS on your LoveAdmin account by speaking to the support team.

As with emails, the ability to send SMS to your customers is available from all parts of the system.

  • Need to send an update to your whole cohort? Easily SMS them directly from the Contacts page
  • Need to inform a specific class of a location change? SMS them from the timetable
  • Someone’s cancelled their direct debit mandate? SMS them directly from the Customer Mandate Report

Send email and SMS with LoveAdmin

An optimised Shop checkout experience

The refresh of the checkout process prioritised a user-friendly and easy to navigate journey for your customers, from first engagement to their payment.

We know that the majority of your customers make their purchases on mobile, so this release optimised the checkout across different mobile devices, leading to happier customers and more completed purchases for you!

Benefits of the new shop checkout

  • Fewer interface or device queries from your customers
  • Increased visibility and clarity around multiple purchases
  • A more intuitive journey for your customers, especially when purchasing for multiple people
  • Reduced number of abandoned baskets

See who didn’t complete their shop checkout

The introduction of the Abandoned Checkout report in March brought increased visibility of people who engaged with your online shop, helping you to see potential customers and turn them into completed bookings and registrations!

Depending on how far the customer got through your checkout, the report captures who attempted the checkout and their key contact details. It even shows you what they were attempting to purchase and who for.

See who didn’t complete their shop checkout

You can then prompt customers to go back through the checkout to successfully complete it. Why not send them an email inviting them to re-attempt the checkout or offer to help them via SMS or email?

As with most other reports in the system, the option to add or invite the customers to products or groups is directly available from the report.

Stay on top of finances with the Product Sales Report

While our Product Sales Report has been a customer favourite since 2022, recent enhancements have integrated more financial elements like settled amounts and comes with a more user-friendly and intuitive interface.

The report’s extensive customisation allows you to build a financial report to suit all your reporting needs.

You can filter the report to just display the sales and settlements by product, schedule, time frame or location. Additional customisations then allow you to add and remove different data columns to the report to see exactly what you need to see.

Save time hunting through spreadsheets or combining several financial reports and use the product sales report to view everything in one place with just a few clicks.

Stay on top of finances with the Product Sales Report

Collect outstanding payments with ease, with our new ‘Collect payment’ function

Collecting payments for outstanding invoices, where the customer has an active direct debit mandate, was made doable with the release of our ‘collect payment’ feature in October. Gone are the days of needing to prompt customers to log back into their Joinin account and pay their outstanding invoices.

Simply select the outstanding invoice(s) and collect payment which will initiate the payment, and the status of the invoice will automatically update to ‘pending’.

This feature saves you time and effort chasing parents!

Collect outstanding payments with ease, with our new ‘Collect payment’ function

Alongside this release, came other bulk actions from the Invoices page such as cancelling multiple invoices at the same time from across different months. Similarly, need to credit several invoices? Simply select the multiple invoices and bulk raise the credit.

Credit or refund your customers when you cancel a class

Need to cancel an upcoming class? With our December release, you now have the option to refund or credit customers for the price of that class.

Better yet, if a customer paid a discounted amount for that session, the system calculates how much the customers should be credited or refunded, to ensure they are not over-compensated.

Just another way, LoveAdmin saves you time and effort calculating and actioning administrative steps

Credit or refund your customers when you cancel a class

We know that it’s the little things that make all the difference, and they often take a lot of development underneath the surface. But we think it’s worth it and will continue to push our features to be the most in-depth and intuitive, so they help our customers manage and grow their businesses day-to-day.

If you’re a LoveAdmin customer and would like more information on any of these features, please email help@loveadmin.com.

Not a customer but want to know how we can help you? Why not take a demo with one of our admin experts?

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