6 reasons why you need club management software post-lockdown

The sports industry is still patiently waiting for a full return

For most sectors, people can play in groups of up to 6 with social distancing, but as for team sports, there remains a pause as sports governing bodies work on their action plans to submit to the government. It’s clear to see the end of lockdown is definitely on the horizon. But of course, this doesn’t mean that we’ll be going back to life as we knew it before lockdown, not immediately anyway. Sports clubs are busy prepping for a new normal and part of this includes getting the correct processes in place to manage admin. Club management software takes care of this and also provides a whole array of features to support your club post-lockdown.

Take contactless payments

In recent months, contactless payments have boomed as people have avoided handling cash because of the worry of catching coronavirus. Going forward as a sports club, you want to offer the option for parents to pay fees via a contactless method as opposed to cash and cheques. LoveAdmin enables parents to pay by card, bank transfer, or set up recurring Direct Debits from their mobile phone. This way, you can ensure safety and also receive money in your bank account much faster.

Use registers to…

Mark attendance

It’s always helpful to mark attendance so you can keep track of who turns up to training and who doesn’t as well as being able to report this information back to parents or other staff members. Only now, the importance of marking attendance will be much higher. In the unfortunate incident of a coronavirus outbreak occurring at your club, you can use attendance registers to trace who was at your facility and when. LoveAdmin lets you quickly create dynamic registers using member information from your database and you can mark attendance on the go.

Create cleaning checklists

Another great use for registers is for cleaning checklists. When carrying out protocols before and after every training session, having these digital checklists to hand in LoveAdmin will ensure that you don’t miss out on cleaning any equipment, topping up hand sanitiser stations or other necessary steps.

Raise funds

There’s no doubt that coronavirus has financially impacted every sports club out there. And it’s hard to predict whether membership numbers will stay the same as before or decrease. Regardless of what your situation is, there’s a possibility that your finances won’t ramp up as quickly as you might want them to so it wouldn’t hurt to have additional funds coming into your club. LoveAdmin’s built-in fundraising feature lets you create donation appeals for one-off or regular payments making it simple for parents to donate. You can even collect payments for your 100/Supporters Club too.

Plan coaches/volunteers rota

Making sure you have the right number of coaches and volunteers in the right place at the right time is no small feat, particularly with this new “normal” where many children won’t understand social distancing. As you organise your protocols you will need to consider the various roles of your coaches as some will have new tasks to take on. You need to plan ahead every week so that there are always enough coaches and volunteers available at any given time. LoveAdmin’s rota lets you see cover at a glance and highlights what sessions are understaffed.

Free ultimate guide to managing members

Communicate easily

If there are two things you can’t overdo, it’s communicating and building trust with parents. Understandably, some parents will be apprehensive about sending their children back to training so it’s down to you to keep them assured and updated regularly on your safety protocols and new changes. With LoveAdmin’s powerful software you can create personalised emails and send these to selected groups of members from your database. This means communication gets sent out quickly rather than having to go through the painful process of copying and pasting individual emails into Outlook. What’s even more useful is that you can see who’s opened your emails.

Deliver online content

There may be a handful of members that don’t return to your club until they feel more comfortable, so until they do you want to keep them engaged and deliver value. As you want your content to be exclusive and to be only seen by your club members, LoveAdmin is the way to go – you can publish videos, images, text, or bespoke home training programmes that members can follow and record practice for. Even if you decide delivering online content is not something you want to do post-lockdown, at least you know that you can fall back on this should another crisis occur.

That brings us to the end of the list of the reasons why you need club management software post-lockdown. There’s still time to get started with LoveAdmin before the return of sports commences. Visit here or a list of features and benefits of sports club management software, and to find out more, book a FREE no-obligation demo.

*Please note information about returning to sports in this blog is subject to change depending on government guidance.*

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