6 New year’s resolution ideas for membership administrators

Six Admin Resolutions

Katherine Whitehead
Customer Support Specialist

Let’s get back into creating some good habits and getting the most out of your administration time.

Here are our six admin resolutions for the New Year and beyond, which will help streamline your admin tasks and keep you on top of your finances, ready for whatever 2024 may bring.

1. Keep on top of those outstanding invoices…and collect them!

With membership management software like LoveAdmin, the days of manually sieving through spreadsheets to find out who has not paid have ended.

In the new year, easily obtain a list of your outstanding invoices from our numerous financial reports, and collect payments or chase parents to set up their direct debit mandate.

Setting time each week to check over your financial reports will help you keep track of how your payments are processing, and if any payments have failed.

Unsure of where to see your outstanding invoices?

With LoveAdmin, our Sales Admin reports and the Product Sales Report can help you keep track of who has paid and who hasn’t. Simply filter the Product Sales report to see all outstanding, pending or reconciled invoices. For more exciting features of the Product Sales report, check this article out.

What if someone has an outstanding invoice, and has since set up their direct debit mandate?

You can now collect these from your end without chasing up the customer, by using the ‘Collect payment’ function in Sales Admin > Invoices.

Had a failed payment?

You can stay on top of failed payments with LoveAdmin, as our system will automatically retry failed payments three times, after which the invoice will remain as ‘outstanding’, until re-initiated by yourself, or the customer from their JoinIn account (the account that your customers manage their bookings, data and preferences in).

If you want to check your failed payments, head to the Product Sales Report and click into the ‘Failed’ total. You can view all failed payments in an expanded view, saving you time having to manually go through and find them.

2. Monitor the status of your customers’ direct debit mandates

Check your customers’ direct debit mandate status, to ensure your new year payments are collected seamlessly.

Our customer mandate report will help you keep track of everyone’s current mandate status.

Want to check if anyone has cancelled their direct debit mandate over Christmas?

Simply filter the column to show only ‘Cancelled’ mandates.

Noticed a cancelled mandate?

Easily message the customer from the report via email or SMS to encourage them to reset up their mandate.

3. Refresh your email communication

Updating your email templates regularly will ensure the engagement with your customers is new and exciting.

With fully customisable templates, you can easily refresh your emails in the communications area of LoveAdmin.

Have fun adding photos, interactive buttons and links to boost the engagement and impact of your messages.

Why not add a button to your emails that drives customers to your website or online shop?

4. Engage more with your customers!

Increase your engagement with your customers by setting aside time each week to plan and email or SMS your customers. Communicating with your customers regularly will boost your community engagement and open your organisation to more target markets.

Why not use the ability to add colours that match your branding, photos and interactive buttons to your emails to promote your new classes and upcoming events for the year?

Want to check your email engagement? With LoveAdmin’s Communication Report you can check who and when your emails have been received, and opened. You can also track if and when someone has clicked on the email.

Checking over your engagement statistics will help you keep track of how your customers are interacting with your emails, if they’re opening or clicking on them. If you have low opens then think about making the subject lines more engaging or switching up the time or day you send them. If your click rate is low, then look at using buttons for key call to actions and if you have a lot of links to click, think about reducing them down too much choice can mean people do nothing!

Getting an email right can take a lot of testing and learning but with the engagement report, you can see what is having a positive (or negative!) impact.

5. Keep track of your new year sign ups

Keeping on track of your new year sign ups is critical to ensuring you are engaged early with the customer, and they are supported where needed.

The New Customer Report seamlessly assists with this. Setting up the ‘on registration’ email template can inform you when someone new has signed up.

The Abandoned Checkout report will also assist with keeping track of prospective sign ups. If someone has visited your shop and attempted checkout, they will appear in this list.

6. Set up your camps early for the new year

Get ahead of the game and new year by setting up your Easter and summer camps and classes.

Getting these on your shop early, and letting your customers know via email or SMS, will prompt people to sign up early.

While you are at it, refresh your online shop, by updating your shop and product photos.

With 2024 already underway, getting on top of your payments through the system, as well as refreshing your shop and emails will get your organisation ready for the new year and what 2024 has to bring.

We hope that these tips have helped with your  administration, they are often things that we would advise our customers to do and they are simple but effective. If you’re not a customer of LoveAdmin and would like software that can help you streamline and reduce your admin time, you can get a quick demo from one of our consultants, who will help you get started.

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