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Katherine Whitehead
Product Marketing

Unlock seamless communications with LoveAdmin – from fully customising your emails to targeting your comms to specific classes or locations – we do it all.

Here is a rundown of six ways our communication toolkit can simplify your admin life while making your messages stand out.

1. Take your comms to a new level with full email customisation

Unleash your creativity with full control over your emails!

Let your imagination run wild with the option to add images, videos, gifs, links, and attachments to your email comms. With an unlimited word count, convey your message perfectly.

Built your perfect email? Save it and use it again and again, from anywhere in the system.  

2. Seamlessly target your message to specific classes, cohorts, or locations

Say goodbye to sifting through endless spreadsheets with our advanced filtering options. Seamlessly target your comms to the exact members you want. Whether it’s messaging a specific class, all the classes running on that day, or running at one location, manage your communications with ease with LoveAdmin.

With the option to communicate with your members from anywhere in the system, chase late payers from the financial reports, message specific classes or locations from the timetable or email all your members from the contact page.

better organisation communication

3. Have your communications accessible to your members securely in one place

Don’t let your comms get lost to inbox junk, post your emails directly to your member’s online account. Keep your members up-to-date and engaged by having all your comms displayed in a convenient timeline – accessible anytime, anywhere.

Perfect for sending training videos and content.

4. Drive bookings by sharing direct links with your members

Easily add links to your email comms directing your members to a specific class or membership on your online booking system.

With our timetable view, you can send direct links to a pre-filtered timetable. Why not add interactive buttons to your emails that take your members directly to the classes they want to see?

Transform communications to drive bookings

5. Automation, automation, automation

With our automatic notifications, you no longer need to manually engage with new sign-ups or recent trialists.

Simply set up an email (and fully customise it!) to trigger when a new customer signs up, someone completes a trial or makes a purchase, and it’ll trigger every time – A personalised touch each time for little effort.

Want different content tailored for each class or schedule that someone signs up for? Add as many notifications as you’d like!

6. See what’s working and what’s not by tracking customer engagement

Gone are the days of “I didn’t receive that email” – Effortlessly monitor how your members are engaging with your emails with our communication report.

See if, and when, your email successfully delivered, was opened, clicked on, or if it bounced or was marked as spam.

Sending marketing messages? – Use our communication report to see what is working and what isn’t! Identify trends such as higher engagement rates on specific emails or with particular groups of recipients. Use that to your advantage and tailor your content accordingly for optimal success.

improve targeted communications

Want greater control over your communications? Find out more about what LoveAdmin’s communication tools can do for your organisation by booking a demo here.

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