How to successfully promote events for your organisation

Engage your community by promoting events

Organising events is an excellent way to engage with your members. However, it can get quite overwhelming when you start to think about how you are going to get started. Don’t worry we’re here to make it simple!

In this article, we’ll show you how you can promote events to engage with members in a deeper way and increase revenue.

Make buying tickets easy

A key step to putting on a successful event is persuading members to buy tickets.

To do this, their user experience, from the start at the homepage and ending at the final click at checkout needs to be positive. According to this study, first impressions are 94% website design related. So, making sure your virtual storefront is appealing to visitors is extremely important.

With LoveAdmin, you can edit your virtual shopfront so that everything visitors see is customised to match your brand. Burnley FC in the Community has implemented this perfectly with an eye-catching storefront that includes a merch shop. On top of this, they handle registration and reporting within the software too, which not only helps with the seamless experience they’re trying to build but also means the team can streamline the admin process for bookings and payments.

Burnley FC in the community shop

Engage with your members throughout the process

You can use social media and email to your advantage by promoting your upcoming event online.

What you may already know is that your most of your community lives online. In fact, 84.4% of the entire UK population is on social media. Using these platforms allows you to create an experience that your members will engage with.

You can also take advantage of SMS messaging, 93% of consumers want to text with businesses so it’s a win-win situation.

Not sure where to start? Read this article detailing how to use social media to engage with your community.

You don’t have to worry about sending text messages one by one from your phone either (eek!), software like LoveAdmin includes an SMS feature that makes bulk communication quick and easy. You can build your SMS lists from within your contact database and then view delivery reports, to see who has received it. With completely customisable image, video and text, you can make whatever message you send uniquely you. Learn about what’s possible with SMS here.

Get feedback via surveys

Not only does getting feedback make it easier for you to improve your next event, but you can also gather valuable information about your members and make them feel like their views matter.

Surveys are very quick and easy for you to set up and can be easy for members to fill out. Additionally, if your customers know you take their feedback on board, they will see how much you value them.

You can use LoveAdmin software to send out surveys. All you need to do is create an email, link to your survey and then select your recipients. Learn more here.

We are proud that our community software assists Foundations and Trusts to improve their community engagement and streamline their admin operations. With a fully UK-based support team and comprehensive onboarding that includes training and advice on best practice, we’re committed to working together to support their ongoing success.

If you’d like to talk to one of our experts about your own community engagement, click here to book a consultation.

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