Amir Razavi on LoveAdmin & Customer Success

At the start of this year, Amir Razavi took up the position of Customer Success Manager at LoveAdmin

After 9 years of being a Customer Support Manager at New Era Technology, Amir decided it was time for a new focus and that is to build on LoveAdmin’s customer success and lead the company to a position of being the ‘go-to’ customer-centric provider of membership management software.

Shortly after Amir joined, LoveAdmin entered unprecedented waters as the countrywide lockdown set in. Since then, it’s been a challenging but rewarding experience for Amir, so we spoke to him to get his thoughts on what customer success means and how LoveAdmin has responded to its customers during this period.

Firstly, tell us what drew you to LoveAdmin?

For starters, I was really interested in the helpful nature and mentality of the company – LoveAdmin solves a key problem for clubs and organisations who don’t have time on their hands for to manage all admin. It’s also an exciting place to be at right now as the company is growing day by day so it’s the perfect opportunity for me to apply my expertise and make an already successful business become even more successful!

What do you like about working as a Customer Success Manager at LoveAdmin so far?

It’s quite simple – making people’s lives easier and always putting customers first. We tend to deal with several people who don’t have high technical skills so helping them understand how the system works as well transforming their admin management is rewarding, to say the least. Additionally, there’s the added bonus of being in a friendly working environment and having colleagues who look out for each other.

What does customer success mean to you?

Ultimately, customer success means helping your customers to achieve their desired goals and outcomes from using your product or service. The customer success cycle is an ongoing process that ensures customers feel valued and builds both their trust and respect towards your business. Ideally, customers want to see you as an extension to their own business and if this is done correctly, you improve your brand loyalty and reputation.

What are the common challenges you face in your role?

No two customers are the same – every customer has different needs, some are more difficult to communicate to than others, and often we have to deal with more than one thing at a time. Sometimes the challenge here is staying calm and not becoming overwhelmed when the work mounts quite quickly. Luckily, we have a brilliant team who collaborate together to multitask and give every individual customer undivided, unique attention.

Amir Razavi

Other than what was mentioned in an earlier point, another thing I find satisfying is being able to deliver on our promises to customers and exceed their expectations.

Amidst the challenges, what are the rewards?

Other than what was mentioned in an earlier point, another thing I find satisfying is being able to deliver on our promises to customers and exceed their expectations. It’s a positive feeling when we see and hear the small and big wins our customers experience as a result of both using LoveAdmin and our guidance. We also tend to actively encourage our customers to give us feedback on what’s working well and what isn’t within the system. Success is a team effort and when you involve customers in the process you make certain that their contribution is heard and valued.

How has LoveAdmin’s Customer Success team responded to customers during lockdown? What measure did you take?

Our number one priority during this time has been making customers feel like they’re well supported. Regardless of our team working from home, for us, it’s business as usual. We’re still here to take phone calls, respond to emails swiftly, onboard new customers and in general, continue our processes as we were before. We’re also offering several webinars to help customers approach the LoveAdmin system in a different way and utilise features such as the Development Programme, Content Scheduler, Donation Appeal, and Mobile App functionality. If we compare ourselves to our competitors, I believe we’re offering support that is above and beyond.

What’s the response from customers been?

The response has been good – our customers are surprised at the level of support we’ve provided. At a time where people would expect services to slow down, we’ve upped our game and made sure that nothing slips. Our support ticket ratings report from April reflected this as we received great feedback on our speed of response, helpfulness, speed of resolution, and overall satisfaction.

What do you think the future looks like for LoveAdmin?

I think it looks incredible and exciting particularly from a customer success point of view. We’re investing our time heavily in improving and enhancing the customer experience. We’ve got a great product, a hard-working team, and a customer-centric approach to everything we do!

That’s enough about business! When you’re not helping people reduce their admin, what do you enjoy doing?

I enjoy playing the guitar and learning new songs – it’s the best way to relax in the evenings. I’m also a big football fan and generally love keeping up to date with sports. I still play football as much as I can but running around after my 4-year-old daughter is what generally keeps me fit these days. Reading is another past time of mine too and dare I say… a bit of gardening – it’s much harder than it looks!

Lastly, can you tell us an interesting fact about yourself?

I once appeared on the front cover of a book when I was 7 years old. The book was Sound and Music by Kay Davies and Wendy Oldfield – I’m sure you all know the one?!

Amir on book cover

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