16 reasons why parents love club management software

Parents love club management software

The amazing thing about club management software is that club officials aren’t the only people who benefit from it. Parents do too. As parents are naturally time-poor, club management software like LoveAdmin simplifies the way they manage their child’s club membership and provides several other great benefits.

Since we’ve got a pretty long list of reasons why parents love our software, we’ll get straight to it.

Sign-up in minutes

To sign their child up to a club, all parents need is a URL to the club’s registration form (found on their website). Parents can input details at their own convenience and double-check everything is correct before submitting the form. There’s no longer the need to waste time printing paper forms and returning them to the club via email or in person. If a club is full, there’s the option to put children on a waiting list.

Assurance that information is secure and GDPR compliant

When working with children and young people, safeguarding is the number one priority. LoveAdmin is stored securely within the cloud, so parents don’t need to worry about their child’s information falling into the wrong hands. Access to member records is password protected and information is encrypted with military-grade technology. Only authorised people can view, edit, and delete it.

Added control with member accounts

Members get their own secure account which parents log into and manage. They can see what information is stored on their child and update it if necessary. If anything changes, club officials are notified of the change. With traditional membership management, parents can’t access this information and have to let the club know of any changes. These amendments then have to be done manually and can be prone to errors.

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On the go, 24/7 access via the mobile app

Parents don’t have to be using a desktop computer or laptop to login to LoveAdmin. There’s a handy mobile app available on both iOS and Android that they can download. This lets them manage their child’s account from a tablet or smartphone.

Up-to-date medical information

Parents can update next of kin details and medical conditions on their account. They can rest easy knowing that coaches can see this and will act accordingly in the case of an emergency.

Making payments is simple

When parents receive payment reminders, they can log into their account from their mobile phone and either make one-off payments using card or set up a direct debit. They can also choose to pay in monthly instalments if they can’t afford to pay a whole season/term’s fees in one lump sum. Payments are processed securely by LoveAdmin’s industry-leading partners – PayPal and London&Zurich. Gone are the days of forking out cash, writing cheques, or setting up standing orders with the bank.

See proof of payment

Not only do parents get electronic receipts to confirm payments, but they also have a record of every payment they’ve made. In the event of a payment dispute, this proof will back them up. Parents can also use this for personal budgeting to see how much they’re spending yearly on their child.

Effortless renewals

As parents receive multiple automated renewal reminders, it makes it easy to remember to pay on time for the next season or term ahead. It’s much better than holding onto a renewal letter that will probably get lost amongst the rest of the household’s postal bills and junk mail.

Be aware of missed training sessions

For teens that are old enough to make their own way to training, some parents might be sceptical as to whether they’re actually attending or not. Thanks to LoveAdmin’s registers, coaches are alerted if members miss ‘x’ number of consecutive sessions. Parents can trust that coaches will inform them if their child is missing training.

Register for events

Whether it’s holiday camps or team building days, parents can register their child for events and also pay for them using their account from their smartphone. Pre-populated information saves time and all event information is sent to them prior to registering.

Free ultimate guide to managing members

Always be in the loop of important reminders

When it comes to keeping parents informed quickly and efficiently, LoveAdmin’s got it all covered so nothing ever goes unnoticed. From welcome emails to payment reminders, payment confirmations, renewal reminders, event reminders, event confirmations, and other important club communications.

Pay for optional extras

If the club is selling optional extras like club kit or merchandise, parents can pay for this straight from their account too. It’s quick since payment details are already saved.

Track progress and achievements

If it’s relevant to the club, parents can use the development programme. This helps them keep track of their child’s progress and achievements from their smartphone. They can see what’s being worked on, what needs to be practiced, and what’s been achieved. They can also see in-action videos and photos, making them feel a part of it all.

Stay posted on club activity and industry news

For an extra level of communication with coaches, parents can use the timeline feature from their smartphone. When coaches tick skills off in the development programme, this uploads to the timeline. Additionally, the club will post interesting photos, videos, quizzes, industry news, and articles as well as videos of what children can practise at home.

Use credits as a reward system

Members receive credits for practicing their skills so parents can use this as a reward system to encourage their child to get more active and practice. They choose how credits are spent, for example, screen time or playing games and they can also allocate more credits if their child practices at home or even completes their chores.

Link siblings in one account

Parents with more than one child at the same club can link them together, so it’s easy to manage all information and payments from one account. That means only one login and all the children sorted at the same time.

Overall, having this software in place gives parents extra confidence that a club is run well, and that proper processes are in place. Along with a quick and easy way to manage their child’s club membership in a single consolidated place. If you’re a club official looking for software that both your club and members’ parents can benefit from, book a FREE consultation today.

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